JULIA PENNY, From all Walks of Life – EXTENDED

Jan 29th – March 31, 2018
Opening Reception on February 1st, 7-8:30 pm.

This show is about immigrants… and aren’t we all immigrants, or children and grandchildren of immigrants. Julia Penny is a portrait artist living in the Interlake Region of Manitoba. She herself is an immigrant, having arrived fifty years ago in 1967 in Canada’s Centennial year. Fifty years later she is honouring as many immigrants as she possibly can with a portrait and short biography on each person she finds.

The drawings are on wood panels with their story written beside them. The viewer can read their story and connect with them. We are not all that different, past or present. The drawings are of immigrants whether they came yesterday or 200 years ago. Icelanders who struggled to survive without knowing the language and yet they came.

People of all nationalities who worked together to make this country what it is today. Finns, Indonesians, Ukrainians, Austrians, Poles, English, Dutch, Philippinos, Guyanans settling all across Canada… people and neighbours from all walks of life.

Julia Penny