Upcoming Events

Fingerweaving Workshop

Christmas Market 2024

December 6 & 7, 2024

Interview a Painting – Workshop

September 20th, 12:00 – 3:00pm

Please Pre-register – Free

Interview a painting? Yes, you can create lovely, descriptive passages by asking a painting to ‘speak’ to you! Never written poetry or prose before? …no problem! Let the painting create the words for you. The show of works by 8 Interlake artists will be the inspiration for Interview a Painting. These Waters will inspire you to continue using visual art to write flowing, melodic poetry and prose. Guided by show artists Rosemary Miguez and Gayle Halliwell, the 90-minute workshop will give you the tools and techniques to continue on a path that leads to deeper understanding yet provides fun and entertainment along the way. 

Make a Starry Night at the Beach with Gayle Halliwell

September 22nd, 12:00 – 3:00 pm

Starry Night at the Beach is a new acrylic painting by Gayle Halliwell that is debuting in a show of works at the New Iceland Heritage Museum in Gimli:  Make a Starry Night at the Lake, led by Gayle, will talk about her painting and then take you through the intricate folding of fabric to create an 8-pointed Nordic star, that can become your own inspiration for a starry night! The 8-pointed star has significance in many cultures, and special meanings for Nordic cultures will be introduced during the activity. Pre-registration is required.

These Waters Opening Reception

September 7, 2024, 1:30 – 3:30 pm

Join us for the opening of “These Waters” exhibit, featuring art from Sharon Cory, Julia Penny and many more.

Icelandic Roots Seminar

August 4, 2024, 1:00 – 4:00 pm

LIVE Genealogy Center in Gimli at the New Iceland Heritage Museum! This seminar is a wonderful opportunity, and participants get FREE access to the database. They need to pre-register for premium access before Friday, July 26.

Christmas Market

November 25-26, 2022
Please feel free to call if you have any questions (204) 642-4001


Icelandic Language Classes

Conversational (no grammar)

Thursdays 7-8:30 (February 6 – March 26 2020)
Museum Gallery, Waterfront Centre, Gimli

Or $30 for NIHM or GICS Members

Register at the New Iceland Heritage Museum.
Please feel free to call if you have any questions (204) 642-4001



“Women at War” Film Night

The Gimli Icelandic Canadian Society and The New Iceland Heritage Museum present: “Women at War” Film Night

Friday February 7th at 7pm
Lady of the Lake Theatre, Waterfront Centre, Gimli
Silver Collection

Brought to you by the
Donald K. Johnson INL of NA Film Screening Program




February 24th at 2pm
Join us for a Cream Puff and Coffee
Lady of the Lake Theatre, Waterfront Centre, Gimli

Stay tuned for further details


Icelandic Knitting Classes

Learn to knit the Icelandic style

Instructor: Jan Schulz 

This will be a mixed class of abilities…
Beginners will start by creating a hat – pattern supplied
Returning Members – project of choice

Participants will be responsible for gathering their own supplies

Tuesdays 7 to 8:30 pm
February 11 to April 14th – 10 weeks
Minimum 10 registrant and maximum 20
$50 ot $7 drop in

Lady of the Lake Theatre
New Iceland Heritage Museum (204) 642-4001


The Northwest Xpedition

See the Movie!

Friday March 6th, 7pm
Lady of the Lake Theatre, Waterfront Centre, Gimli

90 minutes with introduction and coffee/tea to follow.

Free Admission with a silver collection for refreshments.

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